COLUMN: For Virginia's new school year, some ideas to close the learning gaps before they become canyons
Kristen Amundson (EduTutorVA Steering Committee)
September 11, 2021
Scores of the Virginia Standards of Learning tests recently were released, and the results were, well, dreadful. When nearly every news report includes the verb “plummet,” you know things are bad.
Column: Parents Fear Kids Aren't Learning. They're Right.
Kristen Amundson (EduTutorVA Steering Committee)
December 20, 2020
Kristen Amundson explains the importance of individualized instruction for academic recovery and highlights EduTutorVA as a group already working to meet the needs of underserved students.
Can America’s Students Recover What They Lost During the Pandemic?
Alec MacGillis
June 19, 2023
Disastrous test scores increasingly show how steep a toll the COVID-19 era exacted on students, particularly minorities. Schools are grappling with how to catch up, and the experience of one city shows how intractable the obstacles are.
Tutoring Can Help Reverse COVID-Related Learning Loss.
Kimberly Dadisman and Mark Schneider
December 20, 2020
J-PAL North America, a research center focused on reducing poverty, recently released a meta-analysis of close to 100 studies of tutoring in literacy and mathematics and found that tutoring programs consistently produced large improvements in learning outcomes for students — with effects that eclipse those of most other educational programs.
74 Interview: Expert Matthew Kraft on How the Right Tutoring Materials & Training Can Help Students Make Gains & Solve Schools’ Staffing Woes
Asher Lehrer-Small
March 8, 2023
Building a strong “tutoring infrastructure” — curricula, coaching, scheduling — can expand the pool of possible tutors, says the Brown U. professor.
COLUMN: "School Divisions" - and other Items on the new administration's Learning Curve
Kristen Amundson (EduTutorVA Steering Committee)
January 25, 2022
New administrations always take some time to figure out how Richmond operates. But when it comes to education — a key part of the new governor’s agenda — it’s clear the learning curve is going to be steeper. A lot steeper.
‘A lost generation’: Surge of research reveals students sliding backward, most vulnerable worst affected
Laura Meckler and Hannah Natanson
December 6, 2020
Pandemic related learning loss has put the majority of students behind, particularly students of color and low income students, creating concerns about a “lost generation” of students. Tutoring is one of the few proven remedies to address the growing learning gap.